Saturday, August 31, 2019

Abortion and Women’s Rights

I believe that abortion is a woman’s right in Africa.   The decision should be up to the individual woman without any outside influences from society. (2003, Thomas) Lynn M. Thomas explains how â€Å"Social controversies for women in Africa are looming presenting a risk of death† because of the laws in the country which ban women from having abortions, in which the issue of reproductive rights in Africa is an important aspect of women’s rights and is one of the central issues in human rights debated in various regions in Africa. The problem of reproductive rights is therefore linked to larger women’s rights issues in that sex and reproduction are often used as ways of oppressing women in various cultures.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Reproductive rights therefore refer to the issue of choice and the right for women to decide for themselves – particularly with regard to their bodies and the important aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. One study on this issue states the problem in the following way. â€Å"The Right to choose is just one aspect of a much larger issue of reproductive rights – women’s right to control their own bodies and reproductive lives,† according to Smith. ( Smith, 2004) The right to abortion should be an African woman’s choice and right .   Women‘s reproductive rights and human rights in general, is the right to have an abortion, if she chooses and it essentially is a women’s prerogative.   We will discuss the right of a women and why she must   choose for herself, as well as be legally available to get an abortion in Africa.. For too many years, women who live in Africa have been giving birth to children in which many of them could not afford.   Women were never asked if they wanted to give birth to the child and never given the choice if she wanted to remain pregnant.   It was always assumed that if she got pregnant, she would carry the child without ever considering the possibility of aborting the fetus.  A women should also have the full legal right with regard to choosing to have an abortion or not and this right should not be predetermined by society for cultural reasons, but by the woman who will be responsible for carrying the fetus. Very often the issue of abortion is treated as if it is a separate aspect and not related to the context of the more â€Å"acceptable† view of the legitimate rights of women.  Ã‚   Very few people question the right of the woman when it comes to the issue of abortion but the issue of abortion on the other hand carries with it negative associations and connotations and have become a very cultural issue.   However, abortion is an issue that should, of necessity, be viewed in the larger context of women’s rights because the woman is the primary caretaker of the child, if she chooses to give birth, she is the person who must decide if the child can be properly cared for.   In impoverished nations, such as Africa, it should be especially legal since the living conditions are so bad. Reproductive rights, as the essential rights of women over their own bodies and sexuality, are not something separate from other issues relating to gender rights where the central arguments put forward in this regard, that it is the woman that must make this choice and not a society that is dominated by a cultural view on abortion. It is the woman who offers her body as a vessel necessary for the growth of the unborn child, not a nation’s, such as Africa, who doesn’t offer assistance for the growth of the child and therefore he leaves the woman to be solely responsible for the development and care for the child.   Since women are the ones who carry babies for nine months, African officials shouldn’t have a right to deny the woman the freedom to make a conscious choice, therefore, they shouldn’t be able to judge the African woman’s decision or her views concerning abortion. It should also be noted that the issue of reproductive rights for women is a complex and convoluted area of moral and ethical discourse.   However the central fact is that the history of reproductive rights is intimately linked to the history of women’s rights and cultural issues in general, which have become prominent in society.   To speak of reproductive rights is to ask if it is safe for a woman to give birth in a nation that is sometimes incapable of aiding in the growth of the child.   Reproductive rights are sometimes compromised because of a nation‘s views on the subject. The issue is debated differently from traditional point of view since many Africans believe that it is always necessary to give birth without considering the harmful effects that the pregnancy may cause.   The African woman has to make the choice of if she will carry a child for nine months of her life or if he will be solely responsible for the child’s care, both emotionally and financially since African men have often in the past, denied that they were involved in the child’s development and they certainly have never had to make the choice of carrying a child to full term. One of the central arguments in favor of the right to abortion for women is that in many societies women are subjected to horrendous oppression and discrimination in terms of sexual role and norms. (2003, WHO) One example that is often quoted is that of Africa.   Many women in African countries have no control over their sexual and reproductive rights.   If, for example a husband contracts HIV/AIDS, in some cultures the wife cannot refuse to have intercourse with him – even though this would endanger her personal health and infringe her sexual rights.   In effect many women in the world have no say or control over their bodies and sexuality. This relates to the issue of abortion in that the right to undergo an abortion is an extension of these reproductive and human rights that should be accepted as ubiquitous in all societies. Another issue that is often quoted in defense of women’s abortion rights is that, a large number of poor and working-class women die when abortion is illegal. According to the World Health Organization, 78,000 women around the world die from unsafe abortions every year. Abortion is every woman’s right. This aspect is also highlighted by the fact that the problem of deaths due to abortions usually occur among the poor, oppressed or disenfranchised women of the world. This fact does not apply only to the less developed regions of the world according to (Rosenbaum, 2001) who says, â€Å"Women in Africa are at risk.† These cases are usually among the Black or Hispanic populations. With the high poverty rate for African women , it is not unreasonable to believe that the abortion rate would be high among these races. Abortion is every woman’s right, and should be closely looked at more closely when it comes to abortions in countries who offer little or no help to the mother. In many countries in the world abortion is forbidden and can result in prison terms for women.   It is often the case that reproductive rights are denied in countries which are usually poverty stricken and with poor human rights records. Approximately 25% of the world population lives in countries with highly restrictive abortion laws, which is quite common in Africa. These are the countries where abortion is most restricted according to the law. â€Å"In Africa, women still are not allowed to obtain an abortion,† says Stuart Rosenbaum. (2001,Rosenbaum) It therefore follows that allowing women their reproductive rights and providing for legalized abortions could save suffering and lives in these counties. This rationale also applies to the high incidence of rape in many countries where abortion is illegal.   Many women suffer both physically and economically as a result of laws that do not provide for the right to abortion as a fundament human right. While there is the ethical argument that the unborn fetus also has rights, this is an aspect that must be considered in terms of the rights of the mother as well.   It must be admitted that the issue of the rights of the unborn child presents intricate and complex problems, which involves many often confusing and convoluted definitions of what constitutes life.   A comprehensive study in this regard is The House of Atreus: Abortion as a Human Rights Issue is explained, (Bohan, 1999). The author tells us that â€Å"No society that truly believes in human rights can fail to recognize the right to life of the unborn. Human rights are, by definition, rights which inhere in one simply by virtue of being a human.† Notwithstanding these arguments, the problem of abortion rights finds its proper context in the general view of cultural regards. Therefore the question of abortion rights should be seen in the context of social oppression and other forms of societal discrimination of women.   The traditional view of women is for the African woman to get pregnant, carry the baby for nine month and then to give birth without ever questioning the option of abortion.   These cultural values do not recognize the importance of women's health and well-being, and they do not ever take into consideration that the woman may die during childbirth or that she may give birth to a child who is born into poverty conditions and may die from starvation or illness. The topic of abortion should be discussed in Africa and offered as an option to the woman who has the right to choose abortion if she sees that it is necessary. The argument for abortion rights for women should be linked to the larger issues and related to aspects in society that are all interconnected.   As one study suggests, the legalization of abortion rights is closely linked to issues such as class, race and economic discrimination, especially in Africa. â€Å"Abortion should be legal in Africa†¦ because statutory bans on abortion during the twentieth century were selectively or arbitrarily enforced in ways that intentionally discriminated against poor persons and persons of color,† according to (Graber, 1996) and those rights should be given to every woman in Africa, so she can make her individual decision of if she will be giving birth to her child or getting an abortion. Graber,Mark. (1996) Rethinking Abortion, p. 6 Rosenbaum, Stuart E. (2001) Pro-Life Verses Pro Choice, The Ethics of  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abortion, p. 173 Thomas, Lynn M. (2003) Politics of the Womb, University of California  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, p. 17 World Health Organization, (2003) Technical and Policy Guidance for  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Health Systems, p.6   

Medicine: Portfolio Tasks Essay

Portfolio Task: Module 1 â€Å"Effective study skills are the sole foundation of a sound education†. Study skills or study strategies are approaches applied to learning. They are generally critical to success in school, considered essential for acquiring good grades, and useful for learning throughout one’s life. Study skills are fundamental to academic competence. Effective study skills are associated with positive outcomes across multiple academic content areas and for diverse learners. Study skills improve the competences associated with acquiring recording, organizing, remembering and using information. These skills also contribute to success in both employment and non – academic settings. Studying is often an individual activity and what works for one student with regards to study may not work for someone else. Self regulation is an important aspect of study skills. Having the ability to goal set, work towards deadlines and have persistence in the subject the student is studying will help achieve success. In effect good studiers are good strategy users, they know how to use a variety of goal specific tactics, to execute them in a planned requence and monitor their use. A sufficient amount of time needs to be dedicated to studying to achieve the best outcome. Effective study skills may also help with issues such as confidence and organisational skills which are used in every day activities some students take notes whilst they are reading to help them understand what they are reading. Others students may wish to â€Å"think about† as it helps students to understand and retain information. Many students find that by repeating information they retain it. There is little doubt that no two people study the same way, and it is a near certainty that what works for one person may not work for another. The results of poor study skills are wasted time, frustration, and low or failing grades. It’s your life, your time, and your future. Effective study skills must be practiced in order for you to improve. It is not enough to simply â€Å"think about† studying; you have to actually do it, and in the process use information from what you do t o get better. Portfolio Task: Module 2 â€Å"Briefly describe the importance of the interaction between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems in maintaining the body s internal balance†. When you breathe in air through your mouth and nose it travels to your lungs. Oxygen from the air is absorbed into your bloodstream through your lungs. Your heart then pumps oxygen-rich (oxygenated) blood through a network of blood vessels (arteries) to tissues including your organs, muscles and nerves, all around your body. When blood reaches the capillaries in your tissues it releases oxygen, which cells use to function. Cells release waste products, such as carbon dioxide and water, which your blood absorbs and carries away. The used (deoxygenated) blood then travels through your veins and back towards your heart. Your heart pumps the deoxygenated blood back to your lungs, where it absorbs fresh oxygen, releases the carbon dioxide and the cycle starts again. The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. The respiratory system does this through breathing. When we breathe, we inhal e oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This exchange of gases is the respiratory system’s means of getting oxygen to the blood. Respiration is achieved through the mouth, nose, trachea, lungs, and diaphragm. Oxygen enters the respiratory system through the mouth and the nose. The oxygen then passes through the larynx (where speech sounds are produced) and the trachea which is a tube that enters the chest cavity. In the chest cavity, the trachea splits into two smaller tubes called the bronchi. Each bronchus then divides again forming the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes lead directly into the lungs where they divide into many smaller tubes which connect to tiny sacs called alveoli. The average adult’s lungs contain about 600 million of these spongy, air-filled sacs that are surrounded by capillaries. The inhaled oxygen passes into the alveoli and  then diffuses through the capillaries into the arterial blood. Meanwhile, the waste-rich blood from the veins releases its carbon dioxide into the alveoli. T he carbon dioxide follows the same path out of the lungs when you exhale. The diaphragm’s job is to help pump the carbon dioxide out of the lungs and pull the oxygen into the lungs. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscles that lies across the bottom of the chest cavity. As the diaphragm contracts and relaxes, breathing takes place. When the diaphragm contracts, oxygen is pulled into the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes, carbon dioxide is pumped out of the lungs. The cardiovascular system is part of the larger circulatory system, which circulates fluids throughout the body. The circulatory system includes both the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system. The cardiovascular system moves blood throughout the body, and the lymphatic system moves lymph, which is a clear fluid that’s similar to the plasma in blood. Blood contains nutrients from the foods you eat and oxygen from the air you breathe. It also contains hormones and cells that fight infection. The blood also transports waste products to various places that then promptly remove the waste from the body. The parts of the cardiovascular system include the heart, which is the organ that pumps the blo od, and a network of blood vessels: Arteries: The blood vessels that take blood away from the heart Veins: Blood vessels that return blood to the heart Capillaries: Very small vessels that lie between the arteries and veins The portal vein and its tributaries carry blood from parts of the digestive system to the liver before reaching the heart. The heart is a muscular pump with four chambers inside: the right and left atria and the right and left ventricles. Those four chambers allow the heart to pump blood through the following two circulatory pathways: Systemic circulation: Takes oxygen-rich blood to the tissues and organs of the body Pulmonary circulation: Takes oxygen-depleted blood to the lungs and oxygen-rich blood back to the heart again. 1. The left ventricle of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium. 2. Blood is ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta, a large artery. The ascending aorta sends blood to the upper thorax, upper extremities, neck, and head. The descending aorta sends blood to the lower thorax, the abdomen, the pelvis, and the lower extremities. 3. The blood leaves the ascending and descending parts of the aorta and enters a network  of systemic arteries that run to all places of the body. 4. Blood passes from the smallest arteries (called arterioles) into the capillary beds. In the capillary beds, blood exchanges oxygen, nutrients, and waste products with the tissues. 5. The oxygen-poor blood leaves the capillary beds via small veins (called venules) and drains into a network of systemic veins that eventually lead to the venae cavae (either of the two large veins leading into the heart). The superior vena cava receives blood from the upper thorax, head, neck, and upper extremities. The inferior vena cava receives blood from the lower thorax, the abdomen, the pelvis, and the lower extremities. 6. The venae cavae empty the oxygen-poor blood into the right atrium of the heart. After systemic circulation, the blood in the right atrium is depleted of oxygen, so it needs to go to the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. The pathway from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart is called pulmonary circulation, and it takes the following path: 1. The right ventricle receives the oxygen-depleted blood from the right atrium. 2. The blood leaves the right ventricle and enters the pulmonary trunk, which splits into two pulmonary arteries. 3. The pulmonary arteries lead to the lungs, where exchange of gases takes place. Carbon dioxide is removed from the blood, and oxygen enters the blood. 4. Blood leaves the lungs via the pulmonary veins.  The pulmonary veins carry freshly oxygenated blood to the heart while the systemic veins carry oxygen-poor blood to the heart. 5. The oxygenated blood enters the left atrium of the heart. The blood in the left atrium moves into the left ventricle and enters the systemic circulation. Portfolio Task: Module 3 â€Å"When you ask a patient to plantar flex a foot, what changes occur within the muscles involved?† Plantar flexion is the movement which increases the approximate 90 degree angle between the front part of the foot and the skin, as when depressing an automobile pedal or standing on the tip toes. The movement in the opposite  direction is dorsifexion, where the dorsal part (top) of the foot is moved in a manner towards the tibia. It ocurs at the ankle. The range of motion for planter flexion is usually indicated in the lterature as 30 to 40 degree, but sometimes also 50 degree. The nerves are primarily from the sacral spinal cord roots S1 and S2. Compression of S1 roots may result in weakness in plantar flexion. These nerves run from the lower back to the bottom of the foot. Plantar flexion is the movement of the foot away from the body by bending the ankle. The joints in the ankle are highly involved in plantar flexion.  Ankle movement is made possible by the meeting of three bones: tibia (shinbone or leg), fibula (the small bone in leg) and the talus (a large bone in foot). The end of tibiaconstitutes the inner postion of the ankle, wheareas the outer portoon of the ankle is formed by fibula. The ony bulges on either side of toe ankle are called malleoli which aid is stability of the ankle, joints while standing or walking. Primary muscles for plantar flexion are: Posterior compartment of leg Superficial Gastrocnemius Soleus Plantaris (only weak participation) Deep Flexor hallucis longus Flexor digitorum longus Tibialis posterior Lateral compartment of leg (only weak participation) Fibularis longus Fibularis brevis Portfolio Task: Module 4 â€Å"A patient comes in with a hot inflamed toe, how does the circulatory system contribute to this process?† When inflammation occurs in the toes it can be caused by a number of conditions, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, bunions, bursitis, or ingrown toenails. Toe inflammation is typically a protective measure that the body takes in reaction to injury or the presence of bacteria. This is generally a normal occurrence and it is a part of the natural way that the body heals. It may also be incorrectly triggered by certain conditions or diseases. Gout, which is a type of arthritic condition, is one of the more common causes of toeinflammation. Symptoms of gout often affect the big toe, in which case it may be referred to as podagra. The inflammation is a result of excess uric acid building up in the toe joint. Inflammation that is caused by gout is often seen in people who are overweight, diabetic, havekidney disease, or that are taking certain medications. Toe inflammation may also be caused by the autoimmune disease known as rheumatoid arthritis. For people with this condition, their body’s immune system attacks tissue that is healthy as opposed to responding to injury or bacteria. When this occurs at the toe joints, the result is inflammation. Eventually this will cause other toe problems that can lead to changes that affect a person’s ability to walk and wear most types of shoes. Inflammation is at the root of the most serious complications that occur after infection and injury. But while the course of molecular events leading to microbial infection of the inflammatory condition called sepsis is fairly well understood, is much less clear how and why physical injury can result in an inflammatory response similar dangerous. The process of acute inflammation is initiated by cells already present in all tissues, mainly resident macrophages, dendritic cells, histiocytes, Kupffer cells and mast cells. At the onset of infection, burns or other injury, these cells are activated and release inflammatory mediators responsible for clinical signs of inflammation. Vasodilation and increased blood flow resulting causes redness (rubor) and heat gain (heat), increased permeability of blood vessels produce an exudation (output) of plasma proteins and fluid in the tissues (edema), which manifests as a swelling (tumor). Some of the released mediators such as bradykinin increased pain sensitivity (hyperalgesia, pain). Mediator molecules also alters the blood vessels to allow migration of leukocytes, primarily neutrophils, outside the blood vessels (extravasation) in the tissue.  Neutrophils migrate along a chemotactic gradient created by local cells to reach the site of injury. The loss of function (functio Laesa) is probably the result of a neurological reflex in response to pain. In addition to cell-derived mediators, several acellular biochemical cascade systems is preformed plasma protein s act in parallel to initiate and propagate the inflammatory response. These include the complement system activated by the bacteria, and the systems of coagulation and fibrinolysis activated by necrosis, such as a burn or trauma. Human tissues respond to trauma by a complex series of events that have yet to be fully understood. This trauma may be mechanical, thermal, photo or chemical, or brought about through allergic or autoimmune events. If blood vessels have been injured, damaged platelets will activate the clotting cascade. Damaged tissues will release chemical messengers, which start the inflammatory process. In health, sequential phases of proliferation, maturation and repair of the damaged tissue follow inflammation. Blood cells and platlets, the immune system and nerves, chemical transmitters, and tissue cells such as macrophages are among the tissues and systems involved in inflammation. The molecular and cellular events during inflammation flow into and overlap with one with the other. Initially, neutrophils arrive, followed by macrophages, lymphocites and then fibroblasts, which lay down collagen. Epithelial cells migrate on from wound edges over the newly laid down dermis and healing is complete. Healing by first intention will close over 2 – 5 days; a wound healing by second intention will take longer, the time taken depending on the tissue area that needs to be filled in and covered. The predominance and sequence of mediator release will allow different types of inflammatory response to occur. The classic and clinical features of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling and pain; loss of function is sometimes included in this list. These features are brought about through chemical/inflammatory mediators released from damaged tissues. The main effects of these mediators are on the blood supply, causing vasodilation (redness and heat) and increased blood vessel permeability that allow plasma proteins and immunoglobulins to pass easily into the tissues. Pressure or nerve endings from the  interstitial fluid and the effect of some inflammatory mediators such as substance P and prostaglandins cause pain. Hot inflamed toe it is might be acute or chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation is the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli and is by the increaced movement of plasma and leukocytes from the blood into the injured tissues. A coscade of biochemical events propagates and matures the inflammatory response, involving the local vascular system, the immune system, and various cells within the injured tissue. Chronic inflammation leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process. The respiratory system gets the oxygen it needs and the circulatory system bring the oxygen along with many other products in the blood to the toe. The digestive system helps obtain nutrients for the toe which the blood brings as part of the circulatory system. Portfolio task: Module 5 â€Å"Discuss the possible presenting symptoms after a hard knock on the leg in the area behind the knee†. A hard knock on the leg to the area behind the knee would certainly be painful. A hard knock to the posterior of the knee could cause many symptoms, depending on the severity of the hit and how long ago it occured. The knee could be swollen or bruiced. Range of motion may be less, or painful. The person may limp or be unable to fear weight. The kneecap could be displaced. The patient will likely complain of moderate to severe pain. Because the knee is not meant to be hyper-extended, the person should go to an ER for X-ray or other imaging. Might be the inability to properly bend or  straighten the knee. Elevate the leg. Alternate between warm moist heat and ice. To help keep the swelling is check, use an ace bandage to supportthe knee. Dont wrap so tightly that it causes indentantion in the skin. Area behind the knee called the popliteal forsa. The nerves most important nerve travelling throught this area is the popliteal nerve that travels to the lower leg and foot and allowing both sensation and motor strength. Injury to the popliteal nerve can cause numbness, tingling, pain, and weakness in the lower leg, ankle and foot. Vascular injury could cause a bleed from either popliteal artery or vein causing a hematoma or blood pool that could causesignificant pain in the area. The main types of injury could include soft tissue, muscle, nerve and artery/vein , ligaments and menesci. A skin and soft tissue injury could include a mild contusion with some redness or brusing. Serathes may occur. If there is a deeper penetration and not appropriate would care, an infection could form causing a skin and soft tissue infection known as a cellulitis. Injury to the muscle could include a tear of the plantaris muscle which travels throught the area of the popliteal fossa. tear of this muscle will not result in too much deformity or motor deficits, but can cause significant pain. The hamstrings insert near the region of the popliteal fossa and could be affected as well causing pain, but unlikely deformity or decreased range of motion. Damage to the ligaments can result in severe pain and disability. The posterior cruciate ligament and the lateral ligaments: the medial collateral ligament and the lateral collateral ligament commonly occur with injury during sports and can cause severe disabling pain and motor dysfunction. These are the main ligaments that allow for smooth motion during knee flexion and extension and a tear which occurs commonly often requires invasive surgical repair. Finally the menisci which are cartilaginous structures found inside the knee joint that allow for smooth movement of the bones in the leg. A meniscal tear can occur in a sports  accident as above with the ligamentous injuries and cause significant pain and decreased range of motion at the knee. This may likewise require surgical evaluation and correction to restore function and eliminate pain. Because the knee is a complicated region and the back of it has many important structures including veins, arteries, nerves, and muscle components, a hard knock to the knee can be extremely debilitating and should be avoided whenever possible. Protection of the knee with appropriate gear is critical when dangerous activities are being attempted. Portfolio Task: Module 6 Write a proparly referenced essay on the treatment and management of a patient with corns When we walk or stand or body weigh is carried first on the heel and then on the ball of the foot where the skin is thicker to withstand the pressure. When this pressure becomes intense, growth in the form of corns and callus may appear. Corns always occur over a bony prominence, such as a joint. A corn is a small areas of hard skin, roughly round in shape, which press into the skin. They are often found over high-pressure areas of the foot.  There are five different types of corns. The two most common are hard and soft corns. Hard corns the most common and appears as small, concentrated areas of hard skin up to the size of a small pea, usually within a wider area of thickened skin or callous, and can be symptoms of feet or toes not functioning properly. Soft corns develop in a similar way to hard corns. They are whitish and rubbery in texture, and appear between toes, where the skin is moist fromsweat or from inadequate drying. A podiatrist will be able to reduce the bulk of the corns and apply antringents to cut down on sweat  retentionbetween the toes. If a corn is left untreated it will become painful. A corn will not get better on its own unless the pressure that originally caused the corn is removed. If the cause is not removed then the skin will continue to thicken and become more painful. After some time the body may treat the corn as a foreign body and an ulcer or abscess could develop. These can be serious, especially if they become infected. Infection is a very serious complication for individuals with diabetes, poor circulation and peripheral neuropathy. There are many over the counter corn remedies and plasters that are readily available. These, however, do not treat the cause of the corn and can be risky in many individuals such as those with diabetes, poor circulation, frail skin etc. Podiatric management of corns at Podiatry includes: a thorough assessment to determine the cause of the corn implementation of a management / treatment plan Management plans for the treatment of corns commonly consist of: maintenance appointments to keep the corn reduced use of padding to prevent the pressure footwear fitting advice provision of foot orthotics or supports to relieve the pressure under the foot surgical correction of the bony prominence that may be causing the high pressure area Most corns and calleures gradually disappear when the friction or preassure stops, although doctor (cheropodist) may shave the top of a calleus to reduce the thickners. Properly positionece moleskin pads can help relieve pressure on a corn. There are also special corn and callus removal liquids and plasters, usually containing saliaytic acid, but there are not suitable everyone. Oral antibiotics generally clear up infected corns, but pus may have to be drained through a small incision. Moisturising creams may help the skin and remove cracked callures. Apply the misturiing cream to the callus and cover the area for 30-60 minutes with a  plastic bag or a rock. Than gently rub off as much of the callus as you can with a worm towel or soft brush. Using the pumice stone first to rub off a dead skin from a callus after a bath or shower and talk applying moisturaising cream can also be effective. There are also stronger creams containing urea that might be more effective, but do not use these unless recommended by doctor or cheropodist.  May consider surgery to remove a planter callus, but there are no guarantees that the callus will not come back. A conservative approach is best initially. Keep your feet dry and friction – free. Wear proparly fitted shoes and cotton socks, rather then wool or synthetic fibres that might irritate the skin. If a podiatrist thinks your corn or callus i caused by abnormal foot structure your walking motion or hip rotation, orthopaedic shoe inserts or surgery to correct foot deformitie may help correct the problem. When complete reduction of the corn is achievied than 25% or 50% silver nitrate solution may be applied. Example of products that can be used to treat corns and callus include: special rehydratation creams for thickened skin; protective corn plasters; customosed soft padding or foam insoles; small foam wedges that are placed between the toes to help relieve soft corns; special silicone wedges that change the position of your toes or redistribute pressure.

Friday, August 30, 2019

BIG Unsolved Mystery

He swiftly nodded his head as he began to sis his nearly 67 frame off the chair and started towards the bar. (Youth: Famous Crime Scene) Tonight is the Vibe Magazine party also hosted by Quest Records and Tannery gin for the celebration of Friday nights 1 lath annual Soul Train Music Awards. The star studded party consists of celebrities such as Dad Brat, Heavy D, Busts Rhymes, Biggie Smalls of course, and others. We decided we want to have a good time and forget about the east coast west coast drama.I was up for it and excited because I always liked to dance, ever since I got my start as a back up dancer In USIA videos, that's why when I'm In the club I can't stop to party. (concentrically. Com) At a glance I see Eugene walking towards me, looking polished dressed in black crisp slacks with a white button up shirt and black dress shoes, with a couple of bottles in his hand and the waiter staff in tow. The waiter looked of Mexican descent as he looked at me and rested the bottles dow n on the table. He began to ask if we needed anything else but I cut him off by shaking my head and he immediately walked away. Notorious) â€Å"Man Puff you really crazy son! You ternary have me out of it tonight! Biggie yelled to me across the table as the bottles began to flow in. (Notorious) The â€Å"Puff' he is referring to is l, also known as Sean â€Å"Puffy' Combs, best friend of Biggie as well as head of his label, Bad Boy Entertainment. Although It may look like It, everything wasn't lavish from the start we worked hard for this. I was born in Harlem, New York November 4, 1969. My mother raised me as my father was murdered In 1974. I attended Harvard university majoring in business administration.I ran an airport shuttle service and produced weekly dance parties while in school. (phonographic) After doing back up dance I Egan to intern at Uptown Records with the recommendation from Heavy D, and gradually became a talent director rising to the level of vice president su ccessful in producing several key artists for Uptown but left in the early sass's. In 1993 1 decided to start my own production company, Bad Boy Entertainment, where I worked with many artists in the industry among big names and unknown names. The Notorious B. I. G was my greatest success in the business.From the start I knew Bad Boy was going to be a great success and it was. Within the first four years of starting It up, the sales ranged from $100 million to $200 million. Answers. Com) â€Å"Well we out here might as well celebrate! † I yelled back as I glanced at my wrist rocking my gold, diamond encrusted Role I had on that night thinking back to all the everyone surrounding me. Looking around the museum from our table on the dance floor, the place looked like a zoo as if a flock of people Just ran in and started to party as it filled up rather quickly.The star-studded event brought many well-known people from the industry along with women known as â€Å"groupies† trying to have a good time. Men were dressed accordingly to the event, some trying to play it down in just slacks and a button down top while others went all out dressed in designer suits. Some came Just to state a fashion statement as others Just came to have a good time. Now the women in attendance at the party were looking gorgeous and also stunning. It was a bit of a surprise to have Biggie and I with the crew out here due to the east coast and west coast drama going on. Sesquicentennials. Com) It's mainly begun from a misunderstanding between Biggie Outpace, as well as with myself and Sage Knight. Outpace, also a famous recording artist, was on his way to meet up with Biggie nee night at a studio located in New York City but was attacked and shot several times in the lobby upon meeting up with him. Outpace thought the worst and concluded on nothing other than blaming Biggie for â€Å"setting him up† and decided to let his thoughts be expressed through his music and alleg edly claiming to have sexual relations with his wife. (billboard. Mom) This occurred about two years before Tuba's murder in Lass Vegas. It's a little bit of a blur of why Sage Knight started drama but his nephew, cousin or friend was shot in Atlanta, Georgia and he blamed e for the situation which really started the west coast and east coast drama. Accepting an award at The Source Awards, which Bad Boy was also in attendance, Sage insulted me in his speech saying: â€Å"Any artist out there want to be a artist and want stay a star, wont have to worry about the Executive Producer trying to be all in the videos all on the record, dancing, come to Death Row. (Biggie & Outpace) These two incidents brought many rivalries and brought upon the two biggest tragic nights in Hip Hop history. The party began to get overcrowded as it was still bumping; the fire marshals were soon being called. Everyone's sweaty bodies dancing with the museum full of smoke, by around 12:35 the fire marshals ca me and shut the party down. The crowd began to pour out of the party as cars were being brought through the garage. We made our way out to the garage not too long after to wait for our drivers to bring our vans to us.I entered the car in the front with Eugene as Biggie, Ill' Cease from Junior Mafia, and Baggie's bodyguard Damn entered the GEM suburban behind. In Biggies suburban Ill' Cease let down the window and stuck his head out as the women walking down Wilshire Boulevard half naked in skimpy dresses and high heels. As we approached the intersection of Wilshire and Fairfax the light began to change as my car made the left turn, the light stopped Biggies. I began to hear gunshots and with human reaction everyone in my car ducked down quickly.Then someone screams, â€Å"They shot at Biggies car! † Immediately I Jumped out of the vehicle and ran to Biggies car to see that the shooter shot at the passenger door where he was seated. (Youth: Diodes first interview after Baggie' s Death) It all happened so fast no one had a chance to do anything or get a real good look at whom the shooter was and only that it was a black impala. I noticed about 6 gun shots were pierced through the other in the drivers seat. All four car doors were open as everyone scattered to see the condition Biggie was in.His breathing was faint as he was slouched over, but I still tried to get something out of him as we rushed to the closest hospital, Cedars- Sinai Medical Center, which was about a five-minute drive. (Youth: Famous Crime Scene) The Notorious B. I. G, former stage name Biggie Smalls, full name Christopher Wallace grew up in Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood and was born on May 21, 1972. At a young age Biggie showed he was interested in music by reforming with local groups like the Old Gold Brothers and the Techniques.Biggie was a good student but was influenced by the streets and decided to drop out of high school at the age of 17. He became attracted to the money and flashy lifestyle of the local drug dealers and decided to sell crack for a living. His first time ending up in jail was during a trip to North Carolina, where he spent nine months in Jail then made a couple of demo records on his friend's four-track. Mister Ace, a DC working with Big Daddy Kane got a hold of the mixture and gave it to The Source magazine which got Biggie featured on their popular feature, unsigned artists.With his feature in The Source I became aware of him and his talent and decided to sign him immediately. Biggie Just had a daughter so he became skeptical about stopping his hustle with drugs, as he wasn't making money any other way. When I found out he was still selling drugs I gave him an ultimatum, he either chooses to keep selling them or he puts one hundred percent into his music and trust that the money will come with hard work, luckily he was smart and chose the music. Not too long after Uptown Records dropped me, which made me think and come to the sta rt of Bad Boy, with Biggie right behind as well as artist Craig Mack.Biggie Smalls decided to change his stage name to the Notorious B. I. G. Right before recording a remix in 1993 of Mary J. Bilge's single â€Å"Real Love†. On the sound track to the film, Who's The Man? , Biggie did his first solo record â€Å"Party and Bullwhip† after doing several guest appearances. After getting his name out Biggie released his debut album, Ready to Die, in September 1994. The top singles on the album â€Å"Juicy' went gold as the next single â€Å"Big Poppa†, achieved platinum sales and got top ten on the pop and R&B charts. (Billboard. Mom) In the midst of all of these accomplishments, Biggie found love in label mate Faith Evans at a photo shoot and within two weeks they got married in Rockland County, NY. Although he was â€Å"happily married† Biggie wasn't ready for marriage as he had affairs with other woman and one a little more public with rapper Ill' Kim. Wit h the drama between Outpace and Biggie, rumors began to spread that Outpace may be the father of their unborn child although Faith denies any relations with him. Due to all he infidelities Faith and Biggie decided to separate in 1996 and remain friends. People Magazine) After getting married Biggie helped the careers of Junior M. A. F. I. A , with childhood friends and ended in 1995 as the biggest solo male act on both the pop and R&B charts as well as the top selling rap artist. Also he's gotten in trouble with the law, him and his entourage was accused by a concert promoter of assaulting him after fees weren't paid for a concert cancellation. Then at a later time Biggie attacked two people harassing him for an autograph with a baseball bat and pled lilts.During the recordings of his second album in 1996 he became injured during rushed to the hospital we ran red light after red light going 80 miles trying to save him. As I was continuing to try and talk to him I wasn't getting any feedback and began to panic. We approached the hospital in a hurry. Jumping out of the suburban we rushed to get him out as the emergency doors to the hospital busted open with two men carrying the stretcher. It took about 6 or 7 people to lift Biggie out of the car; we looked and noticed that although several bullets hit him he wasn't bleeding.The actors immediately rushed him into surgery to try and remove the bullets. The waiting room was filled with complete silence and tension as we waited for the results. The white walls of the waiting room seemed as if they were caving in when the doctor walked out and announced they tried their best to save him at 1 Sam. With the unbelievable news everyone in the room looked as if they saw a ghost as they realized someone would have to tell Biggies mother that he passed. The small cellophane was being passed around the room, as we all couldn't bear to call Ms. Wallace with this horrifying news.D-Rock found it in him to call Ms. Wallace with the news. As he got on the phone tears began to from his eyes having her wonder why he would be on the phone crying to her. He began to tell her the news that Biggie passed and she immediately dropped the phone hysterically crying. (Youth: Famous Crime Scene: Biggie Smalls) Three weeks after Biggies murder the scheduled release of his second album, titled Life After Death, went number one on the charts and sold nearly 700,000 copies within the first week of release. He was the first artist to gain two posthumous number one hits.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

EU LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

EU LAW - Essay Example Rights of residence Member states will issue the right of residence to nationals of the member states who are not enjoying other provisions of the community law which has been provided that they themselves and the their family members are covered by medical insurance in respect of all the risks in the host member state and have sufficient resources, which will be able to sustain them and avoid being a burden to the social security system of the host member state during their period of residence. All the citizens of the union have the right to enter another member state by only possessing a valid passport or an identity card. Under no circumstance will they require an entry or exit visa. Claude, who is the manager of the restaurant, is granted a job by the owner Henri MangeTout, because he thinks that Claude is a Belgian citizen. In reality, since Claude is a Congolese from Dr Congo, his rights of residence do not fall under this Directive by the council. It is stated that after resid ing legally in EU country continuously for 5 yrs, you automatically get the rights of permanent residence, without even having to fulfill other requirements.2 Their staying in any of the member state is not affected by temporary absences and longer absences. Towards the end of His 5th year of continuous legal residence, he and his family are supposed to apply to the authorities for a permanent residence card that will enable them to be regarded as permanent residence of that state. This will give him and his family a chance to be able to enjoy the same benefits, advantages and rights as nationals. They can now stay there as long as they desire. The member states shall grant a residence permit the validity of which will be limited to a period of 5 years on the basis that it can be renewed. On the other hand, if they require revalidation of the permit at the end of the 2 years it is possible. No matter what takes place their rights of residence is guaranteed as long as they fulfill th e conditions of the member state in which they are residing. 3 Rights of free movement Claude and his family have the opportunity not to be deported, if they take the right legal moves to make sure every detail pertaining their dwelling is settled well by the London government. They have to make sure they follow up their rights of becoming citizens automatically after staying in United Kingdom for a period of 5 years, which is taken by the legislation as a substantial length of time for an individual to be well conversant with the system of that country. By doing this, they will be exercising their rights of residence within that state, which has been laid down by the member states of the European Union.4 Their son Patrice who is also a Congolese, but was born in Belgium, which has made him now to have the Belgium nationality, has also the right to reside in United Kingdom. His stay in the United Kingdom for a period of 5 years since 2007 together with his family is part of the coun cil directive that shall facilitate him to become a citizen automatically. Also, it is stated that, if your partner or any of the relative has been authorized by the state to live with you as family members, they also get the opportunity to automatically get the right s of permanent residen

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Vicarious Liability Module 3 ( SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vicarious Liability Module 3 ( SLP) - Essay Example The acts posed health risks to the patients and also resulted to psychological harm. There was sufficient evidence in the case of Robert Ray Courtney. The pharmacist was involved in the act of diluting chemotherapy drugs before prescribing them the patients diagnosed of cancer (Anselmi, 2012). The scheme was discovered through the assistance of a doctor who bought the drugs from Robert Ray Courtney and became suspicious that the pharmacist was selling more drugs than the amount he purchased. The doctor later took the drugs he obtained from Robert Ray Courtney to a lab for analysis. The analysis revealed that the dose of Taxol contained a 32% of the total amount of Taxol it was supposed to contain. The doctor then took the courtesy of informing the FBI and also FDA of the situation. The government agents proceeded to test several samples of Taxol and also Gemzar retrieved from Robert Ray Courtney. The doses were meant for cancer patients and the federal agents found out that the drugs contained between 17% and 50% of the chemotherapy constituents they were supposed to have. As the investigations proceeded the government agents asked the doctor to buy other doses of Zofran, Taxol, Gemzar, Platinol and Paraplantin from Robert Ray Courtney and use fake patient identity. The drugs were analyzed in the lab and the results revealed that they contained a maximum of 65% of the constituents they were supposed to contain (DeKaye and Naclerio, 2012). The government agents performed a search in the Courtneys pharmacy which resulted into his arrest. In the court hearings, Robert Ray Courtney pleaded guilty to the offense of tampering with products which resulted to bodily injury and also the offense of misbranding or adulterating drugs. Other parties that were also held responsible for the act were Eli Lilly & Co. and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (Giliker, 2011) who were the manufacturers of the drug. The documents retrieved from the companies

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Psychology insight paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Psychology insight paper - Essay Example Reflection, Integration, Application   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I’ve gotten to notice this girl in my study hall who seems to possess the characteristics of a stereotypical ‘intelligent’ girl. She walks steadily along the hall way; her feet seem to follow an invisible straight line. She opens the classroom door, lets out a shy smile, then blurts out a few hi’s and hello’s to other students on the way to her seat. She sits upright with both feet lying flatly on the floor. In calculated movements, she opens the bag, takes out a thicker-than-average book, and begins to read. Her head starts to move right, left, and, occasionally, up to pause without getting interrupted by conversations in the background. I’ve gotten the impression that she is an intelligent girl because she fits the stereotype. This observation got me thinking about class stereotypes, how they are shaped, and the reasons why people do/don’t believe in the m.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I began to look inward and discovered some realizations in trying to figure out why it’s so easy for me to notice distinct characteristics in people and them lump together those characteristics in stereotypical categories,. As a person I’m pretty much observant and mindful of my surroundings.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Peer Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Peer Review - Essay Example Increasingly, the threat of medications that are risky being placed on the market anyway is becoming a problem as well. The claim is somewhat justified by the numbers given later on in the paper, not to mention the possible side effects and warnings on Tylenol labels, etc. However, some of these claims are a bit irrational. Vitamin supplements being taken in excess is not a normal occurrence and it seems a bit illogical to put it in this paper, although it's a valid point. However, this weakens rather than strengthens the original point on which one is focused, which is basically whether holistic medicine or pharmaceutical medicine is better. As stated before, the writer gives evidence to support her claim through use of statistics. However, other evidence should be given, such as the AMA's stance on alternative medicine, etc., and other pieces of useful evidence in order to determine how alternative medicine can be utilized. ... The information about Tylenol, vitamin supplements, and probably the arguments about the FDA putting bogus drugs on the market. Although these are all interesting factoids, it's not convincing enough as an argument unless there is more evidentiary support. 4. Is the essay well-organized How should the author improve the organization of the paper Where are transitions needed The paper should start out with, and not end with, facts about how many people die per year due to adverse side effects. Present more hard facts up-front, and then leave your audience thirsty for more about the topic so that they will keep reading. Ultimately this was an interesting paper anyway. However, people in the audience who are less interested in the topic are going to be asking themselves, "Why do I care about this paper and why should I keep reading it" As far as transitions are concerned, before the writer jumps into "According to the American Medical Association," she should start off by saying something like, "For example." This gives the reader a cue as to the fact that you are going to begin supporting your claims with evidence. There are various places in the paper where this turn of phrase may be used handily, not just in that one place. Other phrases which mean the same thing could be easily employed. 5. What does the author need to work on to make the argument better The author needs to use logical and concise evidence to support her claim. 6. Are there grammar or punctuation errors Has the paper been cited in the text and in the Works Cited or Reference page per MLA or APA rules There are no errors and the paper has

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Management and operation of Abu Dhabi and Singapore Airport Research Paper

Management and operation of Abu Dhabi and Singapore Airport - Research Paper Example As a business goal, Abu Dhabi International airport authority associates the largest importance to the experience of the passengers who pass through their terminals. The fast growth of the airport is based on connecting people to their destinations with smoothness and utmost comfort and making their journeys relaxed and enjoyable. Abu Dhabi International airport attaches high importance to their technological advancement in operations and management of flights backed by the highest internal safety standards. Since its inception in 1982, Abu Dhabi International airport is owned by the Government of Abu Dhabi. It is operated by Abu Dhabi Airports Company since 2006 that has been given the task to enhance the smoothness of operations and comfort of the passengers giving them a lifetime experience. The airport operates seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day. In order to accommodate more passengers in connecting east to the west, several projects are underway in support Abu Dhabi I nternational airport to reach world standards. The airport has several accolades of international repute over the years, namely Skytrax Best Airport Award in 2011 where it emerged as the secondly ranked airport in terms of performance in the middle-east. The airport is committed to international standards of safety for its passengers and thereby developing a long-term relationship. The runway, for example, is qualified for operation with the minimum visibility of 125 meters thereby reducing the delay of flights due to adverse weather conditions.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Art - Essay Example The type of artistic expression that emanates from a certain society also revolves around expressing the culture and social life and ideas that are harbored by a group. Therefore, social and cultural values and ideas play an influential role in influencing the artistic expression of people (Boughton & Mason, 1999). The concept of civilization is as old as mankind, but it was not until the Greeks that civilization came to be realized. It is impossible to mention civilization without mentioning the Greeks. As ancient as Greeks are, they formed the basis of civilization through developing a culture that defied the odds at that time. The Greek idea of civilization had its roots on the philosophical thought and a developed culture that not only satisfied the people’s need to adapt to the environment but also created some time for expansion and spread of civilization. It is important to note that the Greek civilization did not sprout from politics but rather from the cultural values and ideas. It was these cultural values that have had a far reaching and lasting influence in the arts world, which is experienced to date. Religion was a major force that influenced the way people lived and expressed themselves through art. Greek religious elements are still observable in current religions like C hristianity, Islam and Buddhism. Greeks had a host of gods and goddesses, which influenced the type of art that existed during the time. However, religion also attracted another controversial aspect of Greeks’ cultural values and ideas. Philosophy among the Greeks was highly developed (Woodford, 1982). Greek philosophers like Socrates and Plato developed rational ideas about existence of gods and developed other forms of inquiry. Greeks also developed other forms of rationalistic thinking. Their thoughts are expressed in science and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Through a Smokers Eye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Through a Smokers Eye - Essay Example As King puts into perspective, smokers face a series of problems including discrimination and stereotypic classification. Evidently, the personal experience mixed with reality make smoking a nightmare for various smokers (King, 1990). These aspects create the need for persuasion in the narration. Indeed, the argument stands out, as it captures the important elements of smoking, making sure that social, economic, and cultural context gets to light. By first introducing the negative aspect of smoking, King tries to capture the attention of readers. She discusses the hatred for smokers in such a way that anybody reading the article can immediately develop negativity. On the other hand, she discusses non-smoking relating the behavior to Medicare, social security, and hazardous materials. According to the article, non-smokers die at a younger age as compared to smokers. King, who is the speaker attains persona credibility through individual stories and experience. For example, King’s mother was a smoker surrounded by an environment of pure smokers. Evidently, her mother entertained the behavior despite being pregnant. From this perspective, the king started having the effects of smoking in the womb. She implies that there are limited effects of smoking on pregnant mothers. In as much as this is not true in the real world, the story brings it close to reality. For example, she was born without any defects suggesting no damaging effects of smoking. Although the assumption might hold water, fortune cannot be replaced with the real effects of smoking (King, 1990). Arguably, the pleasure of smoking seems to overcome all activities in the story. It does not only replace kissing but also sex. Despite the concerted efforts to convince readers of the smoking benefits, she also recognizes the autonomy of interests. The communication structure constitut es historical context, local examples, and ethical conditions surrounding smoking. In as much as many people know that smoking has a series of problems, a glance at the article can change the perception. The nature communication points out to a creative and imaginative author with the ability to relay current events. Certainly, King’s message comes from a culture of social constraints and poverty (King, 1990). For instance, how does a pregnant woman smoke with the knowledge that it might affect her child? The illogical argument points out to lack of education and ignorance despite the prudent support for the behavior. Most importantly, the use of America and immigrants points back to the time of primitivism characterized by lack of information and education. Â   Â  

Euthanasia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Euthanasia - Research Paper Example From one perspective many people believe vehemently in only one side of the argument or the other. According to an article written by the Telegraph (2010) it is the case that the BBC has been accused of ‘promoting’ euthanasia insofar as the organization highlighted Sir Terry Pratchett’s speech regarding assisted suicide by using dramatic effects and allegedly ignored the rights of disabled individuals. Although these allegations have not resulted in any significant legal action it the article did indicate that at least in the British context a poll indicated that people’s opinions are split evenly on the matter. On the second section of this paper some examples of how this issue can be complicated will be highlighted. For example, Butler (2010) writing for the New York Times indicated that decisions made earlier in the care. The article made reference to the father of the author suffering a serious stroke at the age of 79. After developing a serious and pai nful heart condition the individual had a pacemaker installed because of a desire of his wife to see her husband relieved of his pain. Fast forward five years the father is bedridden with dementia and is kept alive only with the aide of a pacemaker that is expected to last another five years.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Physical Education in School Essay Example for Free

Physical Education in School Essay In the last ten years, our culture has changes dramatically. Our nation was once a physically active nation, yet now it seems that society discourages physical activity. Everyone knows that physical fitness is important to his or her health. Physical education helps students improve their knowledge about health issues and practices that will lead to a more enjoyable life. Some schools do not require students to participate in physical education classes, but it is important for young kids to stay physically active. The rise of obesity in young children has become a growing concern in America. Physical education should be required every year for all public school students. Some students are physically unable to participate in physical education. I agree that if a student has a note from their doctor that it is fine for them not to participate. All the others should be required to participate though. Their involvement in physical education teaches them about lifelong fitness. While I attended grade school, physical education helped play a valuable role in my life. I became involved in several different sports because of participation in physical education classes. During school we played football games during physical education. In addition, we learned some of the basics of baseball and softball. I played football and baseball for years because of my involvement in physical education classes. After graduation, I still kept the same habits from grade school, by continuing to stay physically active. I participate in softball tournaments occasionally to keep myself in shape. In addition, I try to lift weights four or five days a week. Read more:Â  Physical Education Essay Students who do not participate in physical education more than likely will not be physically active as adults. By not teaching children about physical education, it almost certainly adds to the problem. Some students do not want to participate in physical education because they are worried about sustaining injuries. Their argument is children participating in physical activity are at a higher risk of injury than those who are in academic classes. By not being physically active, a student is at greater risk for sustaining an injury. It is important to stretch and warm up before starting any work out. Students learn this from their participation in physical education class. Stretching helps in developing overall flexibility, particularly in the spine, shoulder, and hip areas. The kind of stretching depends on the type of activity a person plans to engage in. For instance, if one is about to play sports, the recommended kind of stretching would be the ones that mimics the movements of the activity the student engages in. Warming up also helps to avoid injury. To warm up start at a gentle pace, and then slowly increase the pace until the heart rate increases and the body temperature rises. Warming up also helps to loosen up muscles and jump-starts the fluids in the joints. If a student is not required to participate in gym class, they may not be aware of warming up to prevent them from sustaining injuries if they decide to start a workout regimen or any kind of physical activity. Obesity is becoming a concern among young kids now. The Southeast now has a new name. Instead of the Sun Belt, some call the Southeast the diabetes belt. Almost every time I turn on the news there is a story about the rising epidemic of obesity. With teenage obesity as prevalent as it is, it is imperative that physical education classes be mandatory at all grade levels nationwide. The amount of obese youth has steadily risen in the last twenty years. It is an obvious fact that physical education classes, when made mandatory, would help improve the physical health of the youth across America. It is important for the student to learn how to keep ones self in proper physical condition. In addition, by making physical education mandatory for all schools nationwide it will help make the students realize how important it is to stay physically active. Obesity also leads to hypertension, sleep apnea, diabetes, asthma, and many other serious problems. Physical education classes can help to reduce the chances for those problems, but there are other steps to take. Exercise is important, but diet is also a major factor in health. Eating healthy foods and exercising will make students be much healthier. In conclusion, all schools should make it mandatory for students to have physical education classes every year. Our society is becoming unhealthier every year because of students lack of exercise. They need to be educated in physical fitness. They can achieve this by participating in physical education classes, learning how to warm up, stretch, and exercise. Obesity is growing in our population every year. Everyone should participate in physical education classes to learn about, and prevent obesity. If we continue with the lack of physical education in schools, we will continue to contribute to the poor health of students.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Law of Offer and Acceptance

Law of Offer and Acceptance Offer and Acceptance are the process by which a buyer and a seller create a legal contract. This process begins when a potential buyer makes an offer. Then, the seller can accept it, reject it, or reject it and makes a counter offer. Then the buyer has the same options. When one party accepts the other partys offer or counter offer, and communicates that acceptance to the offering party, a contract is created. In my assignment, Im going to explain the rules of offer and acceptance in the formation of a valid contract. When two parties choses to get in a contract, the first thing that comes is the offer. The offer can be money or anything of value in exchange for performance by the other party. An offer is defined as an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed. An offer is a declaration of the terms on which the offeror is willing to be bound. The offer can come in forms of a letter, a newspaper, a website, a fax, an email, or a behavior. The offer is not really an offer until the offeree receives it, it is the communication of offers. This means that no one can be bound by an offer of which they are not aware (Taylor v Laird, 1856). An important distinction must be made between an offer and an invitation to treat. An invitation to treat is a preliminary statement expressing a willingness to receive offers. Its a pre-offer communication. In Harvey v Facey, an invitation by the owner of property that he or she might be interested in selling at a certain price, so this is an invitation to treat. Statements of invitation are only intended to solicit offers from people and are not intended to result in any immediate binding obligation. The display of goods for sale, auctions, or adverts is ordinarily treated as an invitation to treat and not an offer. When goods are on display in a self-service shop or in a shop window, it is an invitation to treat. For example, Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists Ltd where the offer to purchase is made at the cash desk by the purchaser and the shop is free to accept or reject this offer. However, auctions are an invitation to treat, each bid is an offer to purchase the lot at the price offered and acceptance occurs at the fall of the auctioneers hammer. British Car Auctions v Wright where they were indicted for offering an unroadworthy car for sale but there were only an invitation to treat as the car was not offered for sale. And in most cases advertisements are an invitation to treat (Partridge v Crittenden, 1968). However, if the advertisement includes a unilateral offer, it is considered as an offer. Unilateral offer is made when one party promises to pay the other a sum money (or to do some other act) if the other will do something (or forbear from doing so) without making any promises to that effect. For example, Carlil v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Ltd which was a unilateral offer to the world at large. On the other hand, bilateral offer is made when at least two people or groups exchange a promise for a promise. Acceptance is a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer. Acceptance must be communicated by the offeree to the offeror in the manner requested by or implied in the offer. Second, the acceptance must be clear, unequivocal, and unconditional. As acceptance, must meet the same terms of the offer to be valid, the following answer that suggest new terms in the offer is defined as a counter offer. Acceptance has no effect until it is communicated to the offeror, silence can never establish an acceptance (Felthouse v Bindley, 1863). It can be completed from conduct without being purposely communicated (Brogden v Metropolitan Railway Co, 1877). Generally, acceptance can be in any form as long as it is transmitted to the offeree, if the offer specifies a method of acceptance (such as by return of post, by fax or by telegram) and the offeree uses a different method there is no contract (Eliason v Henshaw, 1819). And if the offer doesnt stipulate any specific method of acceptance that means the communication of acceptance should made by an equally speedy method. Acceptance by post is an exception to the general rule that acceptance must come to the attention of the offeror before it is valid (Adams v Lindsell, 1818). For the postal rule to apply, first the offeror requests an acceptance by post or acceptance by post can be a normal, reasonable or anticipated means of acceptance (He nthorn v Fraser, 1892). Secondly, the letter of acceptance should be properly stamped and addressed (Re London Northern Bank, 1990). Thirdly, the letter of acceptance must be posted in the control of the Post Office (Brinkibon v Stahag Stahl, 1983); and in the last place, the use of postal rule must not create any factors of inconvenience and absurdity (Holwell Securities v Hughes, 1974). Comes to the instantaneous communication of acceptance which are virtually methods such as telephone conversations, they are considered in the same way as face to face personal conversations. So, the acceptance is confirmed when and where it is received (Entores v Miles Far East Corporation, 1955). Contracts are used mainly in business situations, but also for personal situations. While both parties must receive a fair value for a contract to be valid, they may not receive the same benefits. Law of contract is the law governing peoples agreements and obligations. To run a society smoothly an active operating system is necessary. If there is no value in a promise made by person to another person, the ongoing nature of a society will be terminated. Therefore, if there is no way to enforce a promise or recover damages occurred by believing such promise people will be afraid of such promises and the development will be blocked. Law of contract is important because it gives an importance and enforceability to a promise. Word count: 1039 Consideration is a fundamental element for the formation of a contract. It is either a promise to perform a desired act or a promise to refrain from doing an act that one is legally entitled to do. Consideration is something of value given by both parties to contract that includes them to enter the agreement to exchange mutual performances. In a bilateral contract, an agreement by which both parties exchange mutual promises, each promise is regarded as sufficient consideration for the other. In unilateral contract, an agreement by which one party makes a promise in exchange for the others performance, the performance is consideration for the promise, while the promise is consideration for the performance (Currie v Misa, 1875). There are two different rules of consideration; first consideration must move from the promisee means that a person to whom a promise was made can enforce that promise only if they have themselves provided the consideration for it. The promise cannot be enforce d if the consideration moved from a third party (Tweddle v Atkinson, 1861). And the second rule, consideration must not be past, have three different types of consideration: executory, executed and past consideration. Executory consideration begins where promises are exchanged to perform acts in the future, this is a bilateral contract and is enforceable. Executed consideration begins where one person performs an act in order to accomplish a promise made by the other, this is a unilateral contract. Past consideration is the consideration for a promise must be given in return for that promise (Re Mc Ardle, 1951). As we know that consideration is exchange of mutual performances, in this scenario we know that James repaired his neighbours car on Sundays or Mondays. We cant apply considerations rules as we dont know what James is getting in return of his performance. We only know what James promises to act for Simone but we dont know if Simone promises anything back. So, for me, there is no consideration because there is only one person performing the act and we dont know about the other one. Intention to create legal relations is an agreement which is not destined to be legally binding; there are some agreements that should be legally enforceable and those which should not. They are divided into three categories, social and domestic agreements, commercial agreements, and advertisement. In social and domestic agreements, there is no intention to create legal relations, such as agreements between husband and wife are presumed not to create legal relations expect if the agreement itself states that it does (Balfour v Balfour, 1919) or agreements between parents and children are not supposed to create legal relations (Jones v Padavatton, 1969). When it comes to agreements made between parties who share a dwelling but are not related, then the court considers all the circumstances of the agreement. They are more likely to find the intention to be legally bound where money has changed hands (Simpkins v Pays, 1955). Commercial agreements are presumed to create legal relations, but they can be rebutted only by stating clearly in the contract (Rose Franck Co v Crompton Bros Ltd, 1925). Agreements which appears to be gratuitous in nature such as ex gratia payment (Edwards v Skyways, 1969). It does not apply to comfort letters which are considered as a statement rather than a contractual promise (Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysian Mining Corporation, 1989), or to agreements which are established to be binding in honour only (Jones v Vernons Pools, 1938). Comes to the advertisements, they not create any legal relations. A statement will not be binding if the court considers that it was not seriously meant (Weeks v Tybald, 1605). Legal relation can only be created in commercial agreement, advertisement or agreement where money is exchanged. In this scenario, there is no intention to create legal relation because this is a situation about two neighbours so it is about social relations. As social relation cannot be enforced, there is no intention to create legal relation. Word count: 667 Bibliography: References Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. (2017). Contract agreement Offer and acceptance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Fafinski, S. and Finch, E. (2010). Contract law. 1st ed. Harlow: Longman. (2017). Example Answers to Questions on Offer and Acceptance | Law Teacher. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. (2017). Formation of A Contract | Contract Law | Custom Essay. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. (2017). What Is an Offer in Contract Law? Video Lesson Transcript | [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017].

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

United States Economic Interest in South Asia

United States Economic Interest in South Asia After the Cold War, US emerged as the sole super power in the world. It started establishing military bases in all regions around the world. Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East and East Asia are the regions which have their own peculiarities. South Asia due to its presence along Indian Ocean, proximity to oil rich Central Asian States, nuclear rivalry between India and Pakistan and its neighbourhood with Afghanistan; has peculiarities and strategic importance which US could not ignore. Resultantly, especially after 9/11, US entered this region in the garb of war on terrorism and engaged both Pakistan and India in strong strategic relationship. Emergence of China and India in the region as economic powers has attracted the world powers. This paper will endeavour to highlight US economic interest in this region to gain hegemony in the Indian Ocean, maintain presence in oil rich central Asia, check Chinese influence in South and Central Asia and Indian Ocean, continue its war on terrorism in Afghanistan and bring political stability, control flow of oil from Persian Gulf, and gain control of Sea Line of Communications in the Indian Ocean. After identifying and analysing US economic interests in particular, certain recommendations would be proffered for South Asian countries so that we should not fall prey to the great game of the super power. Problem Statement Economic affairs have assumed a greater importance under the prevalent environments of uni-polar world, where major powers are looking for new markets. South Asia is one of the biggest and most lucrative consumer markets. Emerging economies of India and China has given special status to this region. Resultantly, US economic interests in the region have increased its manifold. Foregoing in view, carry out an in depth study of US economic interest in South Asia, its implications for the region and suggest recommendations for regional nations to safe guard their economic interests. Background Economic globalization involves arguably the most fundamental redesign and centralization of the planetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s political and economic arrangements since the Industrial Revolution. Despite the scale of the global reordering, neither our educational institutions nor the mass media have made credible effort to describe what is being formulated, to explain its root philosophies or to explore the multidimensionality of its effect on out society and economy. The occasional descriptions or predictions about the global economy and scarcely the US interests highlighted have found place in the media. Hissing sound is heard from corporate leaders, their allies in high levels of government and newly powerful centralized global trade bureaucracy. The vision they offer us area unfailingly positive, even utopian. Globalization i.e by increasing US ingress in our economy will remain to be a panacea for all our ills. Sri Lanka like the other third world countries confronts a major dilemma today regarding its deplorable economic conditions internally and trying to keep her relevance in the charging economic climate of South Asia. Growing US interest in the region is in fact the food for thought for Sri Lankan think tanks. Purpose of Study The growing US interest in India is to be viewed deliberately and at the same time its effect. Thus clear shift from Geo political/ strategic to Geo economic is visible on the map of South Asia. Study thus seeks to analyze the affect of growing US interests in the region and Sri Lankan stance being relevant to the changing US economic interests in South Asia. chapter two Significance of the Study In todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s world, power is not only depending on a countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s might in her Military. The economic stability and sustainability also plays a magnificent role. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s vitally important not only for the countriesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ who are big in population or in geographical area, but in those countries who are small in size of land in terms of population. The geographic location where the country lies does play no lesser degree. The research topic revolves around the poorest regions in the world and has millions of middle-class citizens. Plagued by low levels of literacy, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s nonetheless produces distinguished scientists, artists and professionals. Contains an awesome and bewildering diversity of languages, religions and ethnicities, but is remarkably cohesive in terms of physical environment and natural resources. The countries share rivers, mountains systems, oceans and ecological cycles such as the life-sustaining monsoon rains. The states of the region have their share of disputes, along with deeply shared cultures and history. The prospect of a new departure in South Asia à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" US relations must be set against a past often burdened by mistrust and sharply different objectives. During most of the post à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" World War II period, US ties with India and Pakistan, the regionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s two powers, vacillated between close embrace and uneasy distance. The US interest in the region has risen and fallen; same has been viewed with a new dimension i.e the economic dimension of the US in the South Asian region. Before taking any further into the methodology and the problem statement it is worth mentioning the US economic interest in South Asian Countries specific. Afghanistan Present Aims Of US. In Afghanistan effort to transform what had become one of the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s principal sources of instability into a secure and prosperous country. Steps which full fill the Geo Political aims of US are:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Rebuilding of the country and the society. Loya Jirga has been institutionalized. Rebuilding the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s infrastructure, education, health systems and security forces. Forward-looking economic policies. US has already provided over $2 billion in assistance to Afghanistan and will be providing an additional $2.2 billion more during this year. Training Afghan army, police forces; US and other allies are also building a network of Provincial Reconstruction Teams to help provide local security and coordinate development and reconstruction while easing the transition to civilian rule. Efforts to disarm and demobilize militias  [1]  . Bangladesh Back Ground. US and Bangladesh have been close friends and partners since 1971. Today the stakes are great; experts estimate that by the year 2025, there will be over 200 million people in Bangladesh and over 25 million people in Dhaka alone. Thus demographic challenges are of a great concern to a developing nation. US Investment and Concerns. At $1.3 billion, the US is Bangladeshà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s biggest foreign investor. The concerns of US while investing are:- Privatization, export diversification, deregulation, financial sector reform, and major infrastructure investments are essential to reverse the declining foreign investment trends and achieve steady economic growth. Corruption and poor governance. US has increased its assistance to Bangladesh for promoting democracy and good governance and combating corruption to over $8 million in Fiscal Year 2006. The hub of Population remains an attraction with availability of cheap and technical labor. As per Vishal, USA à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Bangladesh can seek a lot tech help from bigger partner USA and in turn send technical man power to the Statesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [2]  . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Bangladesh is sitting virtually on oilà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [3]  . Bangladesh Interests. Few of the analysts believe the US Presidents one day visit to the country is extremely important with the oil and gas reserves likely to be tapped. Bangladesh interests remain with US as:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Aid oriented with investment in basic infrastructure. Human resource developmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. China  [4]  . Chinas entry into the WTO, makes the deal sound like a sure-fire winner for US workers. In particular, the deals supporters argue that expanded trade relations with China will lead solely to more exports to China. A closer look at the US governments own data reveals following:- China trade agreement under WTO and with US will be of greater capital mobility into China. US multinationals eager to deliver goods and services to the Chinese market as 1.1 Billion population market. Produce goods cheaply that can then be exported to the US and other markets. Results Growing US trade deficit with China. Growth of US multinationals and direct foreign investment i.e 10% increase in US direct investment in China. 7.3% increase in the volume of imports from China and a 2.1% decline of US exports to China. Surge of investment by US firms in China and the US trade deficit with China. Import competition from China involves different industries than in the past. Job losses seen by analysts in US markets; thus a technological shift to the populous pole of the world. India Indo-US Relations Since 1991. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“India and the US have multi faceted relations ranging from political, strategic to economic and commercial. India-US economic relations in the form of bilateral investments and trade constitute important elements in India-US bilateral relations particularly because India is now the second fastest growing economy in the world and USA is the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s largest economy. Economic Reforms introduced since 1991 have radically changed the course of the Indian economy and led to its gradual integration with the global economy. Benefits of the reform process are:- Better growth rates, higher investment and trade flows and accelerated decline in income poverty. USA is the largest investing country in India in terms of FDI approvals, actual inflows and portfolio investment. US investments cover almost every sector in India, which is open for private participants. Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s investments in USA are picking up. USA is also Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s largest trading partner. By 2003, India became the 24th largest export destination for the US. Since 2000, the two countries have been making efforts to strengthen institutional structure of bilateral economic relations by means of the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“India-US Economic Dialogueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that aims at deepening the Indo-American partnership through regular dialogue and engagementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [5]  . The Strategic Economic Dimension of the US-India Relationship. India-US relations have seen a remarkable transformation over the last decade. The recent bilateral visit of Prime Minister to Washington from November 22-26, 2009 as the first State Guest of President Barack Obama has reaffirmed the global strategic partnership between India and the United States. The two leaders have reaffirmed that the common ideals and complementary strengths of India and the United States provide a foundation for addressing the global challenges of the 21st century and resolved to build on these to expand the U.S.-India global partnership for mutual benefit. It emanates from reformed and global Indian economy. Key contributors so as the US takes full advantage are  [6]  :- Economy. US and India are expanding cooperation to enhance job creation and economic growth; support economic reforms and liberalization; develop a bilateral business climate supportive of trade and investment; and improve market access for goods and services. Trade. Over the last five years, US exports to India have more than doubled, helping to create better-paying jobs in the US. The US and India agree that trade is essential to promoting global economic growth, development, freedom, and prosperity. Both countries are committed to completing the WTO Doha Development Agenda before the end of 2006. Investment. The US and India have agreed to hold a high-level public-private investment summit in 2006 and are continuing the dialogue on further liberalization of investment restrictions, regulatory transparency, dispute settlement, reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. Agriculture. The US and India have launched the Knowledge Initiative on agriculture to link universities, technical institutions, businesses to support high-priority joint agriculture education, research, capacity-building projects and biotechnology. The joint declaration made in New Delhi during President Clintonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s visit i.e. India-US Relations: A Vision for the 21st century incorporates two important statements- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Natural partnership of shared endeavoursà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and more importantly that In many ways the character of the 21st century will depend on the success of our cooperation for peace, prosperity and democracy and freedom. Peace, prosperity, democracy and freedom cannot be secured by rhetoric, as has been the Indian experience. These can only be secured by rhetoric, as has been the Indian experience. These can only be achieved through politico-strategic initiatives with the strategic predominating. The Vision of India-US relations, jointl y seen, should therefore, logically incorporate the development of a strategic partnership, prompted by the imperatives discussed about. President Clintonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s visit to India, it is hoped heralds the advent of the inevitable.  [7]  . Importance of Indian American Joint Venture. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Today, Indian-American and Indian investors enjoy a very influential presence in Washington, key areas being:- Wall Street/Media. Some 2 million people of Indian origin are in the US wall street/media business. Indian Students In US. There are over 85,000 Indian students in the US more than from China. Benefits To Indian Populous. US trade and investment with India is only 10 percent of what it is with China, this is changing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" to the benefit of Americans and Indians through increased opportunities in India for American trade and investment. Polls in India show a notable 75 percent favorable view of the US. Out Sourcing. While outsourcing has become a controversial issue, the US actually enjoys a healthy surplus in trade in services with India. In 2004, US exported $4.6 billion worth of services to India, a surplus of $1.8 billion. Trade Growth. $16 billion in two-way trade in 1998, US-India trade has grown to $26 billion in 2005 US exports, now at approximately $8 billion, grew almost 30 percent last year and is expected to continue further. Strategic Sale Agreements. Boeing has sold almost $15 billion in new aircraft to India and two US airlines have opened non-stop routes to India. Airport privatization is underway and the air transport market has grown by close to 40 percent in the past year. Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Energy Needs. India is a nation of 1.1 billion people. With its rapid economic expansion, it has a massive and rapidly growing appetite for energy and is already the worlds sixth largest consumer of energy. US-India Energy Dialogue, aimed at strengthening energy security and promoting the development of stable and efficient markets in India. US India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative. Civil nuclear cooperation with India will elevate the US-India relationship to new heights  [8]  . The IT Sector Of India. This sector has its following linkage with the growing US interests:- Compounded Growth. 50 percent since 1991. Soft Ware Requirements. Today, nearly two in five of the fortune 500 companies outsource their IT requirements to India. IT Sector Collaboration. Especially, in areas like:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Communication infrastructure. Optic fiber cable and gateways. Satellite-based communication wireless. IT-enabled services and IT enable education. Data centers, server farms and software developmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [9]  . Future Prospects in Economic Investment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“There are several areas where economic cooperation between India and the US can progress further. These include :- Infrastructure. Telecom sector. Energy, knowledge based industries such as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Investor friendly environment in sectors such as roads, ports and airports. Private sector participation in management, Build operate and Transfer (BOT) projects, green-field airports, terminals, shipping berths and capacity augmentation have been initiated. Security Science Related Economic Interests. The US and India are building the foundation of a durable defence relationship to support their common strategic and security interests which include:- Maritime Security Cooperation. The US and India are committed to a comprehensive cooperative effort to ensure a secure maritime domain. Counterterrorism. The US and India are jointly expanding the scope of counterterrorism cooperation, including work on bioterrorism and cyber security. Military Logistics Support. The US and India will soon sign an agreement to facilitate mutual logistic support during combined training, exercises, and disaster relief operations. Defence Trade. The US reaffirmed its goal to help meet Indias defence needs and to provide the important technologies and capabilities that India seeks. Non-Proliferation. Both countries support efforts to limit the spread of enrichment and reprocessing technologies. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The US is funding IPR training programs to strengthen enforcement and patent examination, as a vibrant IPR regime is critical to the promotion of a creative, technologically advanced economy. Science. The US and India established and co-fund the $30 million Bi-National Science and Technology Commission to generate collaborative partnerships in science and technology. Space. The US and India have agreed to continue exploring further cooperation in civil space, including areas such as space exploration, satellite navigation, and earth scienceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [10]  . US Presidents George W. Bush Visit To India We have an ambitious agenda with India. Our agenda is practical. It builds on a relationship that has never been better. India is a global leader, as well as a good friend. My trip will remind everybody about the strengthening of an important strategic partnership. Well work together in practical ways to promote a hopeful future for citizens in both our nationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [11]  . President George W. Bush, February 22, 2006 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Evolution of U.S.-Indian Ties: Missile Defense in an Emerging Strategic Relationship,  [12]   Maldives and Bhutan 21. Maldives is an Islamic Island nation where US have a close eye on its location being on the mouth of the Indian Ocean. East of Nepal between India and China is a small country Bhutan. US interest being to democratize the state. US is also involved in settling the problems of refugees between the two states i.e Nepal and Bhutan. Over all the US involvement remains more of humanitarian assistance  [13]  . Nepal 22. Back Gr. US enjoys warm relationship with Nepal for over 50 years. During this period, Nepal has evolved from a closed, monarchy-dominated society into an emerging democracy with growing economic opportunity. US has contributed $1 billion to improve the lives of the Nepalese people. Nepal also happens to have a key place in the eyes of the west with the likely interests emerging as under:- Peace and stability in South Asia. Nepals independence and territorial integrity. US also has significant strategic interest in the country because of her location. Washington supports economic and technical assistance to Nepalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. 23. US Investment Areas in Nepal. Mainly being:- Assistance programs for democracy, governance and conflict mitigation. US assistance to strengthen the Election Commission, Peace Secretariat, National Human Rights Commission and corruption ombudsman. Broaden participation in political parties and make them internally more democratic. Technical assistance and equipment to the Parliament / aid to a constitutional reform process. Assisting reintegration of internally displaced persons and funding election monitors. Promote economic recovery; especially in rural areas. Pakistan Pakistan and India Concernà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s US. Indeed the most common concern for an investment friendly climate stems out of the security concerns of the region as stated:- US ex Secretary Powell calls a triangle of conflict resolution. He says à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“We do not seek to impose ourselves as a mediator. Instead, we try to use the trust we have established with both sides to urge them toward reconciliation by peaceful means the leaders of both countries deserve enormous credit for the statesmanship they are demonstrating and for their determination to turn their historic confrontation into opportunities for all of their people. Although the road ahead is certainly challenging, we are optimistic that both sides want to keep up the momentum generated by their recent more open interaction and sound climate for over all peace in the region  [14]  . The Latest Perception Of US. Recent visit of US President defines US interests as under:- Five years ago, Pakistan was one of only three nations that recognized the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. That all changed after September the 11th, 2001. President Parvez Musharraf understood that he had to make a fundamental choice for his people. He could turn a blind eye and leave his people hostage to terrorists, or he could join the free world in fighting the terrorists. President Musharraf made the right choice, and the United States of America is grateful for his leadership. Pakistan now has the opportunity to write a new chapter in its history, and the United States want to build a broad and lasting strategic partnership with the people of Pakistan  [15]  . President George W. Bush, February 22, 2006 Pakistan US Collaboration. The areas of collaboration are:- War On Terror Fight Terrorism. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The US and Pakistan have cooperated closely in the common fight against terrorism, including along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Al Qaeda Hunt. Pakistan has captured more than 700 al-Qaeda operatives, facilitators and associates since September 11, 2001. Pakistans Military Role. Playing an important role by providing intelligence and support to Coalition forces operating along Afghanistan. Security /Military Hard Ware Largest Security Assistance. Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of US security assistance. Foreign Investment. The United States has pledged $1.5 billion of Foreign Military financing to Pakistan from 2005-2009. Sale Of Advanced Systems. The United States supports Pakistans defence needs through sales of advanced systems. Sale Of F-16 Air Craft. Move forward with the possible sale of F-16 fighter aircraft to Pakistan. Non Nato Ally. In June 2004, President Bush designated Pakistan as a Major Non-NATO Ally, making Pakistan one of a select group of nations outside of NATO that have the benefit of a variety of military and financial advantages. Trade And Investment US Encourages Economic Prosperity. By supporting increased trade and investment linkages with the US, the region and the global economy. Bilateral Investment Treaty. Has sent a strong signal about Pakistans improving investment climate. Institute Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (IROZs). That would assist desperately poor border regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan to grow and diversify economically. Private Sector Involvement. Enhancing our capacity-building assistance to strengthen private sector competitiveness . Education Educational Assistance. US has provided more than $130 million to strengthen education programs for young people and adults over the last four years. Bilateral Educational Dialogue. US and Pakistan will establish a bilateral education dialogue to enhance US-Pakistan educational cooperationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [16]  . Influence Of Regional Countries On Pakistan US Ties. Pakistans ties to other nations in the region are steadily growing with likely US investment, with rail, bus, and energy pipeline connections to several nations. Same will act as an antidote towards extremismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [17]  . Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Influence. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“If China gets stronger than it already is, it will be a problem for the US,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? said Bordonaro, adding that the Chinese could use Gwadar, the port city in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan which is being developed with Chinas help, to counter Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s efforts to dominate the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Seaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [18]  . US commitment since 2003. At the June 2003 meeting at Camp David, President Bush made a commitment to develop with Pakistan with a long-term, broad-based partnership worth 3 billion dollar .The areas of interest include:- Shared interests in promoting prosperity, peace, security, mutual understanding and tolerance in the region / across the globe. Strengthen cooperation on counter-terrorism and security including striking at the conditions that give rise to extremism and terrorism. Address poverty and hopelessness root cause for terrorism Cooperation aimed at fostering expanded commerce within the region including with Afghanistan and Central Asia. Booming Market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Most of the American companies in Pakistan currently have plans to expand their operations in the near future;a booming market of 160 million people and also as a potential hub for regional trade and transportationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? . Sri Lanka 29. Present Environment. Since 2009, May 19 Sri Lanka has rid off from the war, which was waging for 3 decades with Sri Lankan armed forces and Tamil minority. The present President has been elected for the second term of 6 years. Countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s development and re-settlement of internally displaced people is the key issues and challenges the government facing. At present the world looking at Sri Lanka with lots of allegations on humanitarian grounds and violation of humanitarian law. Some pointing the finger at the government while others are pointing it to the armed forces of the country. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Rajapaksa must give aid organizations access to hundreds of thousands of uprooted Tamils in the islands northeast. Overwhelmed doctors in overcrowded camps are amputating limbs without sufficient drugs and medical supplies. The people in those camps desperately need medical care, food, and water. And they should be allowed to return to their homes as soon as possible. 30. Ultimately, the only way for Sri Lanka to avoid another Tamil rebellion is to grant the Tamils some form of local autonomy in their region. Now that the Tigers have been crushed, the Sinhalese majority of Sri Lanka has no excuse for not addressing the legitimate grievances of the Tamil minorityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [19]  . a. Internal Problems And Tsunami Relief. Sri Lanka with a broader range of governments to focus on the Tigerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financing and arms procurement. US Government is providing assistance totaling $134.6 million for tsunami-related relief and reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Methodology 31. The study will be carried out in reviewing the data sources which are available in the internet and the few resources available in the libraries. Chapter three Literature Review 32. Since this topic is very hypothetical, its data and material review is mainly based on internet. The author, in the course of research, has made an endeavour to find relevant data through various sources including books, periodicals, lectures by professors of Different Universities of Management and Sciences. The detailed guideline provided through sponsors Directing Staff of the Defence Services Command and Staff College. The author is extremely grateful for all those who spared their valuable time to contribute on this work. As mentioned earlier the new found aid is of immense help in formulating the paper i.e à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Internetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Chapter four IMPLICATIONS OF US INTERESTS IN THE REGION Following areas of interest emerge quite pronounced:- Diversify Energy Supplies. Persian Gulf oil resources have remained a major source of energy supplies. US consider it of vital interest to secure access to the Central Asian regionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s energy corridors in order to reduce dependence on Persian Gulf  [20]  . Oil/Gas Reserves in Caspian Basin. The Caspian Basin has an estimated US$5 trillion of oil and gas resources. Transporting it through Russia or Azerbaijan would greatly enhance Russias political and economic control over the central Asian republics, which is precisely what the west has spent 10 years trying to prevent. Piping it through Iran would enrich a regime, which the US has been seeking to isolate. Thus, Afghanistans significance stems from its geographic position as a potential transit route, from Central Asia, through Pakistan (Gwadar port), into the Indian Ocean and further to the Arabian Sea  [21]  . Penetrate Worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Most Lucrative Markets. Pipelines through Afghanistan would allow the US both to pursue its aim of diversifying energy supply and to penetrate the worlds most lucrative markets. In south Asia, by contrast, demand is booming with immense population graph and competitors are scarce. Therefore, pumping oil south and selling it in Pakistan and India, is far more profitable than pumping it west and selling it in Europe  [22]  . Domination over the Transit Routes/Crucial Sea-Lanes. With the increased importance of Central Asian oil reserves, moving through the Indian Ocean, importance of securing the SLOCs in the Indian Ocean have increased manifold. US intend to maintain a strong security presence in the South Asian region in cooperation with India as bigger role is expected by her in the region  [23]  . India à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" A Strategic Partner. As the second most powerful military nation in Asia, US perceive India as an ideal strategic partner. During official visit to Washington, Prime Minister Vajpayee described India and the US as natural allies and significantly stressed that an Indo-US partnership was important for Asia both economically and militarilyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [24]  . China A Competitor, Not A Strategic Partnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. President Bush has described China as a competitor, not a strategic partnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Therefore, his administration is sympathetic to Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ambition to play a big power role in Asia. He also said that we must deal with China without ill-will but without illusions  [25]  . Regional Power Through US Collaboration. Recent developments suggest that India is actually inviting the superpower to its doorstep. India is among the few countries to endorse unconditionally the controversial US national missile defense (NMD) program  [26]  . Indian Ocean or Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Ocean. Sixty-seven percent of Chinas trade with the European Union is carried by sea across the Malacc